

The Role of Pharmacies and Pharmacists in the Safe and Effective Use of (Veterinary) Medicines

Faculty of Pharmacy researchers presented the work of a pharmacist in a pharmacy to children and adults. This also involves a concern for animal health, both in terms of making veterinary medicines and advising on their use.


Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, and Mirje Pharmacy, Trg mladinskih delovnih brigad 2, Ljubljana

51-FFA-Vloga lekarne in lekarniških farmacevtov 2

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The participants had a look at the facilities of the Mirje Pharmacy and their purposes. They discovered how pharmacists help animals and had a crack at making creams.


The departure from the Faculty of Pharmacy to Mirje Pharmacy was at 18:55.

Coordinators: Nejc Horvat, PhD, and Mitja Kos, PhD, with colleagues of the Department of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Boštjan Martinc, PhD, from Mirje Pharmacy