The European Researchers’ Night is a European Union project taking place within the Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, and is part of MSCA and Citizens actions, which aim to bring science and research closer to European citizens, i.e. to us all.
The main theme of our European Researchers’ Night – Humanities Rock! project in the next two years is expressed by the slogan Human(e) to animals. This is because the global challenges of our time affect both humans and animals. The project activities are thus specifically focused on the relation and interdependence between the human and animal worlds and the exploration of this relationship in various contexts of any kind. We do so by bringing together scientists, researchers and artists from the University of Ljubljana, our peers and partners, seeking answers to the challenges and dilemmas of our time at the intersection of science and art. In our discoveries and studies, we engage everyone, both young and old, addressing both the scientific, academic community and the general public.
The main events of our project will take place on 30 September 2022 in the Novi trg square and on 29 September 2023 in the Mestni trg square in Ljubljana; meanwhile we continuously keep track of developments in sciences and arts, hoping for the best.
Honorary patron of the project European Researchers’ Night – Humanities Rock! in 2023 is the President of the Republic of Slovenia Nataša Pirc Musar, PhD.