The GLOBALINTO project (Capturing the value of intangible assets in micro data to promote the EU’s growth and competitiveness, Grant agreement ID: 822259) developes new measures of intangible assets at firm and industry level. The European Union has, compared to emerging economies, experienced slow productivity growth rates since the 1970’s, which have prompted strong attention to “Productivity puzzles”.
GLOBALINTO’s research and exploitation strategy revolves around three groups of key results in the project: measurement, analysis and policy. The most recent EUKLEMS 2022 together with INTAN-Invest dataset enables analysing intangibles broadly and the market economy at industry and national levels over the period 1995-2018.
The GLOBALINTO Intangibles Survey is a large-scale survey conducted among seven countries (France, Germany, UK, Greece, Finland, Slovenia and Denmark).
Firm-level analysis uses harmonized LEED data in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Slovenia mostly with remote access to data in statistical offices. Global value chains (GVC) from GIOID data show the diffusion of knowledge across countries, which has gained increasing attention in recent years.
The visit took place as part of the activity Gender equality in Slovenia and the EU.
Coordinator: Tjaša Redek, PhD, School of Economics and Business