

Visit to Rudolf Maister Grammar School and Secondary School in Kranj

On the occasion of the visit to Rudolf Maister Grammar School and Secondary School in Kranj, researchers from the Faculty of Education conducted the workshops The Animal World as a Source of Inspiration for New Materials – Let’s research about the chemistry of glow sticks.

Rudolf Maister Grammar School and Secondary School, Kranj

Obisk na šoli 14 09-4

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Using guided experimental research work, students explored chemistry in relation to the interplay between the human and animal worlds. They learnt what fireflies and glow sticks have in common and explored their composition and the different influences on the chemical reactions that take place inside them. The workshop addressed the concepts of chemiluminescence, effects on the rate of chemical reactions, exo- and endothermic reactions.


Coordinators: Taja Klemen and Katarina Mlinarec, Faculty of Education, KemikUm Centre