

Visit to Ilirska Bistrica Gymnasium

Researchers participating in the European Researchers’ Night project visited Ilirska Bistrica Gymnasium and joined The Night of Experiments.

Ilirska Bistrica Gymnasium

ib 3

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The following interesting activities were prepared for the students:


The Animal Within, coordinator: Andrej Šmuc, PhD, and Petra Žvab Rožič, PhD, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.


New Discoveries about the Human Fish to the Benefit of Humans and the Olm, coordinator: Peter Trontelj, PhD, and Hans Recknagel, PhD, Biotechnical Faculty.



East Asian animal symbolism in Slovenian collections, coordinator: Klara Hrvatin, PhD, VAZ project group, Faculty of Arts.


There will also be a panel exhibition on East Asian collections in Slovenia entitled Travelling VAZ.