

Playing and Learning the Romanian Language

Play can roughly be described as a rules-based activity done for fun. A particular activity will likely be described as play if it seems interesting, funny or entertaining. 


Predstavitev na stojnici v okviru Znanstvenega bazarja na Mestnem trgu


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At a stall in Mestni Trg, Ioana Jieanu, a lector  for the Romanian language at the Faculty of Arts, will, along with four of her students (Brita Bautin, Katarina Rozman, Katarina Krečič, Zala Rogulić), prepare some games for learning basic-level Romanian: saying hello, the verb “to be”, some vocabulary with a Slavic etymology, food, both in physical and AI format. At the end, winners of the games will be rewarded with Romanian chocolate.



The event is organized by dr. Ioana Carmen Jieanu, Brita Bautin, Katarina Rozman, Katarina Krečič and Zala Rogulić (UL FF).