

Sweet shop

As part of the Sweet Shop, children playfully found out: do animals also like sweets, where do they find sugar, which animals eat food similar to humans, which food do we humans need to help us stay healthy, and why do we easily eat too much sugar.


New Square, Ljubljana


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Younger and older visitors tested how much sugar is in each type of food by determining how many bags of sugar will weigh down packets of pictured food items and sweet drinks. The role of fiber in the diet was also clearly shown, as well as the benefit of certain carbohydrates in the diet, the types of sugar in food, drinks, fruit and vegetables and what affects the uptake of sugar into the blood.


Through the specially developed Sweetscope game, children and younger teenagers guessed while moving about how the quantity of sugar in the diet of animals and whether bees can make honey from sugar water. The game attracted mainly younger teenagers.


Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine plan to adapt the game for individual or group play via the website by the end of 2022.


Coordinator: Irina Milisav, PhD, Faculty of Medicine