

School of Science/Young Geologists

Researchers from the Department of Geology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering invited children to the summer school, which took place from 14 to 18 August at the Pionirski dom – Centre for Youth Culture.

Pionirski dom - Centre for Youth Culture, Vilharjeva cesta street 11, Ljubljana


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In the School of Science/Young geologists, the children learned which substances are found on the Earth and in its interior, how minerals and rocks are formed and why we can use all these materials.


They also discovered and studied fossils. They saw the largest geological collection in Slovenia and recorded all their findings in the Geodnevnik.

The content of the summer school was adapted to the curiosity of young researchers from the age groups of 9 to 12 years.


More information: Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih.


Coordinators: Petra Žvab Rožič, PhD, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, and Mojca Čampa, Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih