

The Evolucija. (Evolution) Performance

Evolucija. (Evolution), a movement and acrobatic performance, was a gift of the project European Researchers Night – Humanities Rock! and Pionirski dom for children under the auspices of the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth and the Ljubljana Association of Friends of Youth.


Pionirski dom, Vilharjeva II, Ljubljana


Humanistika Logo

First there was nothing, a void, darkness, vacuum. Then one day – bang, and the earth started to spin. It was empty at first, devoid of life… How boring!


Just a few millions years later, the earth was settled by humans. Who were their ancestors? What path did they tread from swinging on tree branches to walking on the moon? How did they evolve, change; where are they today?


Evolucija guided the audience through the evolutionary path trodden by humans and presented this incredible journey through the language of circus and variety. The circus of humanity became a circus on the stage in this amusing movement and acrobatic performance.


Performers: Tadej Pišek, Inan Du Swami, Mojca Špik


Text and direction: Tadej Pišek


Choreography: Inan Du Swami and Mojca Špik


Music: Marjan Peternel




Production: Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture and Godot Cultural Institute


Due to the limited number of places, registration at the e-mail address was required.