

From virtual microscopes and image analysis to horse coat color – The importance and use of AI in veterinary morphology

In recent years, at the intersection of technology and healthcare, including in veterinary medicine, there has been a wave of innovation that is altering diagnostics and treatment and is also of great importance in preclinical fields in veterinary medicine.


Predstavitev na stojnici v okviru Znanstvenega bazarja na Mestnem trgu

Noč raziskovalcev 2024_25_anonymous

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In this flexible and dynamic world, machine learning and artificial intelligence are increasingly involved in everyday processes, changing them and helping veterinarians. The stall will present some tools in veterinary medicine, their strengths and weaknesses and the use of artificial intelligence in the basic fields of biomedical science. The aim is to present how artificial intelligence and machine learning help veterinarians to visitors of the European Researchers’ Night. We will demonstrate different examples of machine learning and artificial intelligence that are used in veterinary medicine, particularly in preclinical research, and are also relevant to the work of a clinical veterinarian.



The event is organized by dr. Valentina Kubale Dvojmoč (UL VF).