

Isolation of Molecule of Life, DNA, from Animal Tissue

Researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy showed the participants of this presentation that molecules of life, i.e. DNA, are present in every living being and can be easily isolated from animal tissue with common substances found in any kitchen.


Faculty of Pharmacy, Laboratory 205 on the 2nd Floor, Aškerčeva 7, Ljubljana

Izolacija DNA – molekule življenja iz živalskega materiala-slika 1-2MB

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They taught them how to isolate DNA from beef liver using cooking salt, washing-up liquid and alcohol. During the activity, they also facilitated the pupils’ understanding of genetics and the meaning of DNA for life, explaining its use in detecting diseases.

Coordinators: Nataša Karas Kuželički, PhD, and Lucija Ana Vrščaj, Faculty of Pharmacy