

Book Improv – Fairy Tale Improv

The European Researchers’ Night was an opportunity to experience Book Improv – Fairy Tale Improv …



Faculty of Education. Lobby, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, Ljubljana


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Milena Mileva Blažič, PhD, dedicated this edition to ImprovCosies (based on modern tales of Cosies by Svetlana Makarovič), ImprovFoxes (based on Lisice (Foxes) by Črt Frelih), and LittleImprovBeasts (to mark the 50th anniversary of the first edition of Zverinice iz Rezije (The Little Beasts of Resia) by Milko Matičetov).

Moderation and implementation: Milena Mileva Blažič, PhD, Faculty of Education, ImprovFoxes and ImprovSurprise with students