

Bilingual Anthology Humans to Animals and Animals to Humans in Contemporary Slavic Poetry

The Department of Slavistics at the Faculty of Arts has published a bilingual anthology of contemporary Slavic poetry with the theme of relations between humans and animals.


Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana

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The authors of the anthology have invited creative secondary school and university students to participate in debating the poems for the Slavic Reading Badge or illustrate them, set them to music, learn to recite them in the original Slavic languages etc.


Coordinator: Namita Subiotto, PhD, Faculty of Arts


The Bilingual Anthology Humans to Animals and Animals to Humans in Contemporary Slavic Poetry can be viewed here.












Excerpt from the song Пуловер за кудун – Sweater for a dog by Dimitar Kenarov


Слава тогава на бабите в моя квартал,

оплели пуловери за своите пудели,

самотни жени, които навярно нямат внучета,

или може би имат излишък на прежда –

светът, мисля си, не е чак толкова жесток,

щом още се среща обич, която облича.


Zato vsa čast starkam iz moje četrti,

ki so spletle puloverje za svoje pudlje,

osamljene ženske, ki najbrž nimajo vnukov

ali pa imajo morda višek volne.

Svet niti ni tako krut, si mislim,

če se še vedno najde ljubeči, ki obleče.

Translation from Bulgarian: Namita Subiotto, PhD, illustration: Nina Stanič


Bilingual Anthology Humans to Animals and Animals to Humans in Contemporary Slavic Poetry