

Demonstration of the Operation of a Machine Vision System

Deep learning methods have become a key tool for solving diverse practical challenges as they enable highly heterogeneous and robust operation of practical solutions, including applications of computer and machine vision.


Predstavitev na stojnici v okviru Znanstvenega bazarja na Mestnem trgu


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The workshop will present a demonstration cell combining software and hardware as well as deep learning algorithms, enabling a simple demonstration of the operation of these methods in different applied domains. The cell includes cameras, a graphical user interface and five demonstration programs demonstrating the classification of wooden boards, the detection of surface anomalies, the counting of polyps, the detection of traffic signs and the detection of corners in textile products. We have developed it with the intention of enhancing the understanding and use of these methods in practical scenarios and of bringing such technology closer to the general public.



The event is organized by dr. Danijel Skočaj (UL FRI).