

Face Deidentification

A stall at the main event of the European Researchers’ Night will present a project involving the fields of computer vision and artificial intelligence in close conjunction with image-based biometrics, facial biometrics and privacy protection.


Predstavitev na stojnici v okviru Znanstvenega bazarja na Mestnem trgu

Izdelek brez naslova (1)

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More specifically, the project is closely related to research by the Computer Vision Laboratory (UL FRI), which is primarily focused on biometrics in conjunction with deep learning. Visitors (one or more at a time) step in front of a camera and are able to see themselves and others in anonymised form on a screen. The program achieves anonymisation, specifically deidentification, by replacing the facial region with an artificially generated face while keeping facial gestures , facial pose and certain facial attributes (e.g. facial expression) or accessories (e.g. glasses).



The event is organized by dr. Blaž Meden, dr. Žiga Emeršič, dr. Borut Batagelj and dr. Peter Peer (UL FRI).