The presentation of the anthology with student recitations of selected poems in the original and in translation took place on 24 May, as part of the Academic Book Fair.
The publication of the anthology is accompanied by an exhibition of visual representations of the poems from the anthology, made by students of the Ljubljana Secondary School of Design and Photography, in the Faculty of Arts foyer from 24 May to 9 June 2023.
Coordinator: Namita Subiotto, PhD, Faculty of Arts
Excerpt from the poem Пуловер за кучето – Pulover za psa by Dimitar Kenarov
Слава тогава на бабите в моя квартал,
оплели пуловери за своите пудели,
самотни жени, които навярно нямат внучета,
или може би имат излишък на прежда –
светът, мисля си, не е чак толкова жесток,
щом още се среща обич, която облича.
Zato vsa čast starkam iz moje četrti,
ki so spletle puloverje za svoje pudlje,
osamljene ženske, ki najbrž nimajo vnukov
ali pa imajo morda višek volne.
Svet niti ni tako krut, si mislim,
če se še vedno najde ljubeči, ki obleče.
Translation from Bulgarian by Namita Subiotto, PhD
illustration by Nina Stanič