

Archaeology vs Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, archaeology has become a distinctly interdisciplinary science, combining the fields of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and technology, so the development of artificial intelligence is a groundbreaking step in research regardless whether the work involves data or archaeological objects.


Predstavitev na stojnici v okviru Znanstvenega bazarja na Mestnem trgu

Ilustracija Agate Lielpētere

Humanistika Logo

In addition to numerous advantages, however, it brings a number of disadvantages. How do we face new challenges, which have been knocking at our door for some time? We will endeavour to show visitors of the stall how to recognise the limits of what is manageable based on good and bad practices and with an interactive one-on-one workshop.



The event is organized by dr. Manca Vinazza and dr. Tamara Leskovar (UL FF).